73. Explorers
Perry and David are explorers of their favorite Starfleet Family and discuss representation, inclusion and handling PTSD in the 90s.
Perry and David are explorers of their favorite Starfleet Family and discuss representation, inclusion and handling PTSD in the 90s.
Kira and Odo share an intense yet tender moment that just may pierce our Constable’s Heart of Stone! Plus, Nog is Awesome!
…Lwaxana Troi is back and hijinks inevitably ensue on the station as she brings her Fascination with Odo to the forefront! Plus, The O’Briens get an update.
…Attention Bajoran Workers! Perry and David discuss Civil Defense and just how much Gul Dukat is one annoying, creepy SOB.
…The Abandoned, and the launching of The Fire Caves Live! Tune in for our take on Jake dating a Dabo girl and Odo’s growth.
…A new threat finally makes its grand appearance in the Gamma Quadrant. Perry and David discuss The Jem’Hadar and those in command!
…An alien culture needs the help of Odo and Dax to solve their mystery. Also, The Sisko’s are back and sharing growing pains.
…In “Second Sight” we get to see another side of Benjamin Sisko, a softer, slightly tragic side. Hopefully things go well for our beloved Captain.