64. Heart Of Stone

Kira and Odo share an intense yet tender moment that just may pierce our Constable’s Heart of Stone! Plus, Nog is Awesome!

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
64. Heart Of Stone

What to expect from episode 64: Heart Of Stone?


Heart of Stone, aka Odo cries.

Chasing the last of the Maquis.

Perry and David dive in on this underrated episode.

A plot or B plot….which is better?

David shows off his Swag.

Where to find The Fire Caves.

Kira battles claustrophobia.

Nog tries to bribe Sisko.

Can Sisko just get a break in his office?

What Nog really wants.

Jake finds it all funny.

A Ferengi in Starfleet?

The power of redemption and where it all begins.

Odo is the best investigator we will ever see.

Kira get shot at, Odo makes a safety net.

Sisko tells Nog why he isn’t Starfleet material.

Dr. Bashir announces a pregnancy on the way.

Odo’s weekly criminal activity report is a gamechanger.

Sisko orders Dax to give Nog an impossible task.

Nog does the job like a boss.

What we learn about Nog’s family in Heart of Stone.

Even Dax is impressed.

Perry and David discuss New vs Old Trek.

How Nog is different from his father.

Why did Sisko shake him?

The powerhouse performance of Avery Brook and Aaron Eisenberg.

The legacy of Nog.

What we learn about Odo and Kira.

Why this A plot falls flat.

The underrated hero of the episode.

How the Changelings view one another and their interest in Odo.

Could it have been anyone other than Odo?

Perry and David discuss SciFi tropes.

The best thing about this episode.

The Worst thing about this episode.

David tells his final thoughts.

Perry updates about YouTube and The Fire Caves Swag.

Where to listen and follow The Fire Caves.

Is Heart of Stone worth a rewatch?

Coming up next for The Fire Caves.

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, the website, the promotion thereof and any exhibition of material created by The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, or The Fire Caves Podcast team are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.

This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Fire Caves Podcast, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
64. Heart Of Stone