68. Distant Voices and 30 years!

Perry and David discuss Distant Voices and the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and their first podcast and its lasting impressions.

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
68. Distant Voices and 30 years!

What to expect from episode 68: Distant Voices and 30 years!?


Distant Voices, or Dr. Bashir goes insane!

Star Trek Deep Space Nine turns 30!!

Perry and David recount and review their first thoughts of The Emissary.

Picard and Sisko: The Batman and Superman of Star Trek.

David recalls the pilot.

The Battle of Wolf 359 and the lasting scars.

The impact of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

The future of Trek.

What we have lost, what we have gained.

Is Dr. Bashir hearing Distant Voices?

What’s going on with Bashir’s hair?

Quark is Terrified. What’s throwing chairs from the darkness?

Garak is ever so helpful.

The erratic behavior of the crew.

The Lethean is one ugly monster.

Dr. Bashir is slowing down.

Dax is hyper aggressive, Kira combative, Odo paranoid, and O’Brien cowardly. It’s fun.

Where is Sisko?

Oh there’s Sisko. Wait, he’s gone again!

Competency out the window.

Dr. Bashir is not aging gracefully.

Who is this woman, and why is she singing in Ops?

The far to subtle clues left by Quark.

The final reveal, it was Garak all along!

Tennis doctor? Really?

Back to normal on the station.

Perry and David decide if this episode is important.

This is what happens when you have 26 episode seasons.

Doctor Bashir is still fun, even in his old age.

Perry decides he likes Bashir.

David isn’t impressed with this episode.

Perry talks about Voyager and Discovery.

What’s up for Star Trek in the future.

The February release of Star Trek: Picard season Three!

The return of the TNG gang.

Perry wants Avery Brooks to come back.

David and Perry discuss the possibility of Sisko’s return.

What Distant Voices do you sometimes hear?

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

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The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
68. Distant Voices and 30 years!