52. A Trek Special

Perry and David and a very special guest use tonight’s episode to talk about their favorite and not so favorite parts of Trek. Enjoy!

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
52. A Trek Special

What to expect from episode 52: A Trek Special?


A Special Trek episode of The Fire Caves.

Perry’s best friend joins the fun tonight.

Let’s talk Captains.

Things we know and don’t know.

Best aliens.

Worst aliens.

Things we want and things we wish would go away.

Is Neelix racist?

Is Neelix creepy?

Picard and Beverly: Will they or won’t they?

All things NuTrek.

Perry and Lynn reminisce.

David challenges Lynn’s knowledge.

The Problem with Chakotay.

Best First Officer.

How we all became friends.

What each Captain means to us.

The differences between TNG, DS9, and VOY.

Move Along Home casts a long shadow.

Could Sisko have handled the Delta Quadrant?

Things to do in TX.

The season two recap we didn’t know we needed.

Predictions and projections.

Why Riker is the best first officer.

Why we can’t compare Spock.

There is a reason they are Captains.

Who are we forgetting?

Best alien races.

What could we all do without in Trek?

Is there something missing we wish the Creators would show?

Lynn discusses the specialness of Janeway.

Characters that are lacking what we need from them.

Perry and David discuss current events.

No 90s tonight!

The best of all worlds.

Top Captain Moments.

Low points of all the shows.

Characters we love to hate and why.

Characters we just love, and characters we just hate.

Tropes we fall for every time.

The best ship!

Perry takes Lynn on a tour of current SciFi.

The Expanse and why you should watch it.

The Future of Trek.

What to watch and wear to watch it.

What’s on the horizon for The Fire Caves.

Will Lynn return? Tune in to find out!

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Lynn Bryant


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, the website, the promotion thereof and any exhibition of material created by The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, or The Fire Caves Podcast team are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.

This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Fire Caves Podcast, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
52. A Trek Special