5. Tosk

Perry and David discuss the fifth episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and the first new race to appear through the Wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant and into the Alpha Quadrant

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
5. Tosk

This episode deals with the first aliens to appear through the wormhole.

O’Brien makes first contact and we are introduced to “Tosk” a humanoid creature on “the greatest adventure.”

Perry and David also discuss standout performances by the crew, notable absences, and whether or not they agree with the practice of hunting.

We talk about the various theme songs of Star Trek and which are our favorites and why.

We talk about what makes a great theme song and its influence on capturing an audience.

The early 90s and multiculturalism is discussed and how Star Trek shows this representation and teaches a lesson of openness and tolerance.

Greater Trek is discussed as well, relating episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation to Deep Space 9 and how Star Trek represents different cultures and attempts to bring understanding to new races and demonstrates a need for humans and reach out and not judge other people and their respective cultures just because they are different from what we have established as normal.

Perry and David also talk about the differences between Sisko and Picard, the never-ending debate that will most likely continue throughout the run of this show.

We talk about the development of the aliens in Trek, different looks and why certain features that were seen in TNG were later replaced or utilized for other aliens, like Kriosian vs Trill.

And finally, we discuss Miles O’Brien, the most important officer ever in Starfleet. How O’Brien is able to make friends with Tosk and establish a working relationship which ultimately leads to him disobeying orders and helping Tosk escape.

O’Brien’s high functionality is discussed as well as how he is more than just an “everyman” character for Star Trek.

Notable absences and stand out performances are also addressed for this episode.

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, the website, the promotion thereof and any exhibition of material created by The Fire Caves Podcast, Holosuite Media, or The Fire Caves Podcast team are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.

This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Fire Caves Podcast, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
5. Tosk