45. The Collaborator

A Collaborator in our midst’s! Tune in for David and Perry discussing the possible traitor and all the implications for DS9!

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
45. The Collaborator

What to expect from episode 45: The Collaborator?


The Collaborator! An intriguing story of betrayal.

The noble lie, and other cliché’s in writing/storytelling.

Perry and David discuss their new shows and what to watch.

When will there be a remake of ER?

The milquetoast of DS9: Vedek Bareil.

What is Vedek Winn up to?

Kubos Oak, we hardly knew you.

Winn is using Kubos, and Kira is having none of it.

The rule of law for collaborators according to Bajorans.

Kira is on fire.

What’s up with Odo?

Where is Dr. Bashir?

Quark gives us a new Rule of Acquisition.

Sisko and Winn together is always fun.

Sisko has one scene and he kills it.

No Jake or Dax in this episode.

What we learn about the Bajoran religion.

Kai Opaka is back! Well, sort of.

All the flashbacks, it’s kind of overwhelming.

Perry and David discuss Kira and Bareil as a couple.

What can we learn about Prylar Bek?

Was Bek Opaka’s son?

Sacrificing a few to save many. Opaka was a fan of Vulcan logic.

Who was the true traitor?

O’Brien finds a retinal scan. It isn’t what we expect.

Vedek Winn puts Kira to work.

Winn is vicious. And it is awesome.

It is time to choose a new Kai.

Averting peril on Bajor.

Opaka’s secret, Opaka’s lie.

Vedek Bareil is extremely loyal.

The truth of the Collaborator.

What this means for The Choosing.

Kira and Bareil, will they survive?

The new Kai is Winn…..oh boy.

Implications for the future of DS9.

Perry and David discuss NuTrek and what is on the horizon.

Perry hasn’t watched any more Halo.

Where to find our show, and how to get in touch with us!

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

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The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
45. The Collaborator