18. The Uniforms of Enterprise

Our hosts take a close look at all the main uniforms used in the show. Kris and Kyle discuss what they liked and didn’t like about each uniform as well as a little bit about Kris’ time in the military.

The Expanse Podcast
The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast
18. The Uniforms of Enterprise

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What is in Episode 18: The Uniforms of Enterprise?

Visiting the Quartermaster

Kyle West began the show by announcing that he and Kris Hill will be talking about the uniforms of the show at Kris’ behest.

They introduce the show and talk about the upcoming US Presidential Election and give the social media locations and talk about their Patreon site.

Pockets Galore

Kris talks about his love of the uniforms due to the copious amounts of pockets.

Kyle brings up the development of the show being more based on the US Military around the turn of the 21st century.


The hosts discuss how the creative team for Enterprise probably could have done better in regards to the differences in how the male and female cast members were shown in the show sporting the look.

United States Army Cover (hat).
United States Army Cover (hat).
Hat Envy

Kyle expressed his jealousy of Kris for wearing his NX-01 hat every time they record.

The Starfleet Ball

The hosts proceeded on to discuss the dress uniforms and how they were actually only shown once: in the “final” episode.

Kris bemoaned the fact that there were two ways to identify rank and how it made no sense to him.

United States Marine Corp dress Alpha jacket.
United States Marine Corp dress Alpha jacket.

The next topic discussed is how the Admiral’s uniforms looked and noted the similarity between these and the Dress Uniforms.

United States Marine Corp FROG suit shirt.
United States Marine Corp FROG suit shirt.
Things Get Froggy

The pair then discuss the uniforms featured in a few episodes that reminded Kris of his time being deployed.

Cold Weather

The hosts switch to talking about their favorite of the jackets and their lack of understanding about needing the difference.

Andorian Excursions

As Kris started to talk about cross-species wearing, he questioned why Shran needed to wear the gear.

Kyle came up with the reason the life aboard ship has made Andorians less acclimated to their native planet.

Short Walk in Space

Kris brings up how he really enjoyed the look of these EV Suits and Kyle agrees that it is the best with Discovery’s suits coming in second.

Kyle brings up the fact about the cast not liking to wear them and how Dominic Keating was fed up wearing it on set near the end of shooting an episode for the day.

A Trip to Sickbay

The hosts continue by talking about Phlox’s uniform and how they enjoyed it.

Hitting the Gym

The hosts move on to discuss the seldom seen active wear and how well Anthony Montgomery looks while in this uniform.


Questions come up about Precious Cargo and its lack of employing this uniform when it shows up in other uniforms.


The pair wrapped up the discussion talking about Jolene Blalock’s look in seasons 3 and 4 and how while they liked it, they saw the influence of Berman in its design.

They also speculate on the reason for Jolene’s noticeable absence from the Star Trek Day festivities and how it could have been from some fans objectifying her.

Episode Credits


  • Kris Hill
  • Kyle West


  • Kris Hill

Small Print

Music used in this podcast is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound. The theme music is "Heroics" by Boil The Ocean. Other music used includes "Red Red Shoes" by Czar Donic, and "Prescient" by Howard Harper-Barnes.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

The Expanse, Holosuite Media, the website, the promotion thereof and any exhibition of material created by The Expanse, Holosuite Media, or The Expanse team are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.

This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Expanse, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Expanse Podcast
The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast
18. The Uniforms of Enterprise