The Ferengi Prime Minister shows up. He promises riches and power to our favorite character, promotes him, and ultimately makes him crazy!
What to expect from episode 10: The Nagus?
The Grand Nagus! What is a Grand Nagus?
Perry and David finally get to talk about the Ferengi and Ferengi Culture.
Our Hosts once again explain why Quark is the best recurring character so far in season 1.
Perry updates where you can watch Star Trek, and potential changes to streaming platforms.
Special Shoutout from Tawny Newsom, “Mariner” from Star Trek: Lower Decks.
David takes us through a quick summation of “The Nagus.”
Our hosts discuss the first mention of “The Fire Caves” and what it could mean for Deep Space Nine.
Perry gets some Trek wrong and David cannot wait to correct him for a change.
Commerce and money for Trek is discussed.
Ferengi principles regarding deals and money and the Rules of Acquisition finally get some attention.
Nog and Jake and their continued friendship is discussed. Will their respective parents approve?
Guest Star Wallace Shawn and all that he adds to Ferengi is also mentioned.
Perry and David decide who gave the best performance and final highlights of the episode.
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The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.
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