40. New Beginnings – Meeting the New Crew

In this episode, Kris Hill brings on three new members to the crew: Perry Freeze, Jordan Brown, and Chris Tribuzio. The newest members talk about their Star Trek journey, a few of their favorite episodes and characters, and what they are looking forward to discussing the most in future episodes.

The Expanse Podcast
The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast
40. New Beginnings - Meeting the New Crew

What’s in Episode 40, “New Beginnings – Meeting the New Crew”

Pre-Show Warning

Kris explains a bit of technical difficulties that affected the show a bit.

A Bit of Business

Kris welcomes the fans back into the show.

He introduces Perry Freeze, Jordan Brown, and Chris Tribuzio.

Kris gives the socials and has Kyle list all the benefits of becoming a Patreon supporter of the show, including early access to episodes.

Tribz Gives His History

Tribz gives when he started watching Star Trek: in his 30s.

He gives his other podcast, Mickey’s Marvels, and talks about what that entails.

His favorite Trek episode is Deep Space Nine’s Far Beyond the Stars.

He, like Kris and Kyle, prefers the Season 1 and 2 versions of the theme song for Star Trek: Enterprise.

He teases his favorite Enterprise episode but doesn’t commit to one.

His favorite character is Archer.

He closes out his message by thanking Kris and Kyle for the opportunity.

Perry’s Trek Journey

Perry watched The Next Generation while waiting for his mom to get home from work. He then found out she was a Star Trek fan as well.

They then watched The Original Series together, leading his uncle to him the VHS movie set.

He continued with Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise in their first runs.

Once Discovery, Picard, and Lower Decks came out he continued to follow along.

Star Trek continues to be a family tradition in the Freeze household as he now watches Lower Decks with his daughter.

Jordan’s Trek Journey

Jordan mentions that his journey is very similar to Perry’s.

He recounts the story of imitating Picard and his uncle scolding him for the way his legs were crossed.

Jordan, too, watches Lower Decks with his daughter and mentions their anticipation for Prodigy.

Creative Writing Stories

Kris mentions a fifth-grade writing assignment where he took temporary command of the Enterprise.

Perry wrote about what would happen if the Enterprise-D crash-landed in his backyard.

They both talk about how Star Trek has helped them and how it can help others.

Love for Archer and Enterprise

One thing that will appear to be a recurring theme is how close Archer and Sisko are in their command styles.

Mismatched Rundown

Kris asks about Perry and Jordan’s favorite Star Trek episode and the pair gives their favorite Enterprise episode instead.

Jordan goes with E².

Perry counters with Deadstop.

The Theme Song Debate

Kris gives all three versions for the opening of the show.

Perry will defend the theme song but prefers the original.

Jordan mentions his love for In a Mirror, Darkly after Perry mentioned his dislike for all Mirror episodes.

Favorite Star Trek Episode

Jordan jumps right in before Kris can finish the question by giving Deep Space Nine’s In the Pale Moonlight.

Perry lists Duet, also from Deep Space Nine, since Jordan took his usual number one.

Kris adds that It’s Only a Paper Moon and adds to the DS9 lovefest.

Jeffery Combs Gets More Love

Jordan mentions What We Left Behind and Jeffery Combs’ mentioning of how DS9 was about the journey within, not without.

Favorite Characters

Perry’s top two favorites are Archer and Dr. Phlox.

Jordan’s favorite character is Trip.

Upcoming Episodes

Jordan and Perry want to get into In a Mirror, Darkly.

Perry can’t wait to get into the crew dynamics, the tech, and the foundation of the Federation.

Jordan wants to discuss the minutiae and Twilight.

Regeneration may be brought back up in the future of the show.


Jordan and Perry come up with a few to use.

Episode Credits


  • Chris "Tribz" Tribuzio
  • Jordan Brown
  • Kris Hill
  • Perry Freeze


  • Kris Hill

Small Print

Music used in this podcast is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound. The theme music is "Heroics" by Boil The Ocean. Other music used includes "Red Red Shoes" by Czar Donic, and "Prescient" by Howard Harper-Barnes.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

The Expanse, Holosuite Media, the website, the promotion thereof and any exhibition of material created by The Expanse, Holosuite Media, or The Expanse team are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.

This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Expanse, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Expanse Podcast
The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast
40. New Beginnings - Meeting the New Crew