20. Terminator’s Cyberfeminism
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht chats about two female cyborgs from the Terminator franchise: the T-X and Grace. Janine explains how the T-X is the ideal postfeminist character, and in what ways Grace is different from the T-X.
19. Red Dead Redemption 2 on Women and the Environment
In this episode, Janine talks about the hit video game, Red Dead Redemption 2. She recounts and explores a few missions in the game that deal with environmental and women’s issues.
…18. Cruella and the Female Grotesque
In this episode Janine met up with her friend in academia, Courtney, once more to discuss the 2021 Cruella film. We chat about Cruella, the Baroness, Emma Stone and Emma Thompson, the female grotesque and cross-dressing!
…17. Bride of Chaotica! and the Femme Fatale
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht discusses one of her favorite Star Trek: Voyager episodes, Bride of Chaotica! Janine applies a femme fatale reading to the episode, and explains all the ways in which Queen Arachina is a femme fatale.
…16. The Borg Queen and Female Monstrosity
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht talks about the infamous Borg Queen from Star Trek. Janine explores how the Queen is empowering for women, how she is problematic, how she embodies the idea of monstrous femininity, and how she embraces disembodiment.
…15. The Rebirth of The Major
In this episode, Janine talks about the changes made in the 2017 Ghost in the Shell movie, starring Scarlett Johannson. Janine talks about The Major’s revised physical representation, and her new narrative.
…14. The Philosophy of Ghost in the Shell
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht chats about the classic 1995 Ghost in the Shell anime, and discusses how embodiment/disembodiment is approached in the film. She also discusses cyberfeminism, and why women ‘need’ their bodies.
…13. Seven of Nine Rebooted
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht discusses the version of Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) that we see in Star Trek: Picard. Janine considers Seven’s new look, her humanity, her status as mother, and her relationship with Raffi.
…12. How about Feminism and Mortal Kombat?
In this episode, Janine provides a brief feminist analysis of the 2021 Mortal Kombat film. Janine talks mostly about Sonya Blade, and some of her memories playing fighting games as a kid.
…11. Star Trek and Female Cyborgs: Seven of Nine
In this episode, Janine Engelbrecht chats about one of her favourite Star Trek characters of all time, Seven of Nine. She discusses Seven’s empowering potential as a female cyborg, but also how she fails as a feminist character.