25. Space Grindr

“Non-Sequitur” What better way to celebrate a boring episode, than with a guest! Liam and Suzanne are joined by Starfleet Boy (Sohail), as they talk about homosexual Pon Farr, the God that is Danny Byrd, and put on drunk offensive Italian accents.

The Jane-Way Podcast
The Jane-Way - A Star Trek Voyager podcast
25. Space Grindr

What’s in episode 25, “Space Grindr”?

Non Sequitur

Liam and Suzane talk about this season 2 Harry Kim snore-fest with Sohail aka Starfleet Boy! Harry is in a different timeline because of some space-something that happened that no one cares about.


We welcome Sohail to the show, talk about Grindr and phallic body parts. I mean, what’s new? Liam has already drunk half a bottle of red at this point.


Oh, boy. See if you can hear Suzanne purr like a cat? Or, perhaps, get offended by our drunk Italian accents? Do homosexual vulcans go through Pon Farr?

Danny Byrd

You thought the suspense in finding out who shot Phil on Eastenders was rough? Well, nothing will be as suspenseful as waiting to find out who we cast as Danny Byrd.

Right way, wrong way, or Janeway?

Well, this episode didn’t lend well to our format of a show so let’s just move on, shall we?!

Episode Credits


  • Liam Smart
  • Suzanne Williamson


  • Sohail aka. Starfleet Boy


  • Liam Smart

Small Print

Music used in this podcast is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound. The theme music is "Sheer Will" by Jon Björk.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

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This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Jane-Way, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Jane-Way Podcast
The Jane-Way - A Star Trek Voyager podcast
25. Space Grindr