87. The Sword of Kahless

Perry and David discuss Worf, Kor, and Kahless in this Klingon jammed, action packed adventure quest for the Sword of Kahless!

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
87. The Sword of Kahless

What to expect from episode 87: The Sword of Kahless?



The Quest for the Sword of Kahless!

Worf tries to out drink the Dahar Master.

The Lethean returns!

Kor’s embellishments are almost as legendary as he is.

Kor is, kind of gross.

Convincing a freshly bald Sisko.

Jadzia is all about Klingon stuff.

Worf joins a quest.

Duras returns!

Lots of old favorites in this episode.

The history of the Klingon people.

Kahless the Unforgettable.

What could be worse than a Duras around?

Who were the Hur’q?

The tale of the Sword of Kahless.

More embellishments.

Old booby traps and 24th Century trickery.

What we know about Letheans.

A revered weapon, or ancient tool?

The Difference between Kor and Worf.

Worf’s Destiny.

The power of the Sword.

Even with a stab wound, Worf is badass.

Jadzia has to make a choice.

How to get away honorably.

Finally, Kor vs. Worf.

Perry explains the history of the Duras Family.

Where we see the various Duras members meet their end.

The various philosophies of being a good Klingon.

Fighting in caves seems exhausting.

Perry and David discuss the difference between TNG Worf and DS9 Worf.

Why integrating Worf to DS9 is critical.

Levar Burton Directs!

Having fun on the set.

What Perry and David have been up to.

New things on the horizon.

Back to basics.

No More Twitter.

Updates on Shohreh and The Expanse.

Status of possible Trek Spinoffs?

Next releases.

The sacrifice of the Sword of Kahless.

Worf and Kor finally bond.

Jadzia in charge.

Speculations on the future of the sword.

Up next for The Fire Caves.

New shows for Perry and David.

Perry is still not watching Halo.

Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

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This podcast is a fan production. All views made are that of the individual(s), and may not represent that of The Fire Caves Podcast, or the Holosuite Media network.

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
87. The Sword of Kahless