96. Rules of Engagement

David and Perry debate Federation Law and Worf’s status with Klingon Society in Rules of Engagement! Plus, how to be a Starshio Captain!

The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
96. Rules of Engagement

What to expect from episode 96: Rules of Engagement?


The Rules of Engagement are Simple: Don’t kill civilians!

Worf is having a terrible dream.

Almost to 100!

Some New Trek Spoilers.

Sisko is Worf’s lawyer.

Fourth Wall breaks everywhere!

Rule of Law in the Federation.

Granting the Klingons, sympathy?

Worf is a means to an end.

ChPok does great work.

Avery Brooks shines.

Worf gets his reason.

Differing perspectives on the battle.

441 people dead…twice?

We come to learn Starfleet’s Rules of Engagement.

Where Worf went wrong.

Sisko and Odo are working the case once again.

Quark can’t get it straight.

O’Brien wasn’t in command.

The view from the Center Seat.

Military vs Paramilitary.

Worf’s status with the Klingon Empire.

What do you take from the man who has lost everything?

Worf nearly sinks his case.

The Vulcan judge sits all alone.

What extraditing Worf would mean for Starfleet and the Federation.

Reason enough not to do it.

Why Worf did what he did.

Perry and David discuss rule of law.

Things we would like to see differently.

Perry discusses new Trek.

Updates on The Expanse book series.

The next phase.

All things New Trek.

Worf makes another mistake.

Sisko realizes ChPok is scared.

Sisko makes his case.

O’Brien stands with Worf.

How it ends.

Sisko’s lessons to Worf.

A Little Sisko vs Picard action.

Perry and David also catch you up on their week.

Exciting new developments for The Fire Caves!

Plans for the 100th!

Perry needs to catch up on reading.

David inhales books.

Prodigy Petitions.

Worf doesn’t feel like celebrating.

How to take care of your troops.

A Captain vs a botanist.

Where to listen.


Episode Credits


  • David Wampler
  • Perry Freeze


  • Perry Freeze

Small Print

The theme music is "One Last Mission" by Niklas Johansson, and is licenced by Holosuite Media through Epidemic Sound.

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The Fire Caves Podcast - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
The Fire Caves - A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Podcast
96. Rules of Engagement