Blast Shield! is a podcast dedicated to the Star Trek: Lower Decks animated comedy series, following the crew who serve on one of Starfleet’s least important ships, the USS Cerritos. Hosted by Katie Harben and Kyle West.
Due to other commitments by the hosts, this show is no longer publishing new content with Holosuite Media.
Episode list
2. Why Do You Want to Milk a Spider, though? August 9, 2020 - In this discussion, Katie Harben and Kyle West break apart Star Trek's first-ever half-hour of adult comedy. Hint: they loved it! This is an episode review, deep character breakdowns, and…
Continue reading2. Why Do You Want to Milk a Spider, though?
1. How Boring Would It Be, If It Just Stayed the Same Forever? August 2, 2020 - In the first episode of BLAST SHIELD! - A STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS PODCAST, hosts Katie Harben and Kyle West preview the upcoming adult animation comedy that promises to turn…
Continue reading1. How Boring Would It Be, If It Just Stayed the Same Forever?
0. Blast Shield! is coming soon July 28, 2020 - Ahead of the release of the first full episode of Blast Shield! A Star Trek: Lower Decks Podcast, Kyle West and Katie Harben give us a quick tease of what…